Stage 4
April 8, 20211800s
April 12, 2021Stage 5
As with any process or plan, it’s only good if it moves the needle on the business. It must be implementable. Our strategic road map will address your company’s internal ordering and identify external assistance that may be needed, such as tax, legal or other professional services. It will serve as a clear agenda.
We know that successful transitions in a business ultimately rely on the well-informed judgement of its people. In this regard we like Jim Collins’ metaphor, as related in his book Good to Great. He says that a business needs to get the right people on the bus and get them to the right seats. Just because a company has the right people on the bus, if they’re in the wrong seat, they may as well not be there!
This part of our work is usually the longest stage, sometimes requiring several months or longer to achieve the full realization of a strategic plan. We remain committed to being at your side throughout implementation, assisting when necessary.