Our Services

How We Work

Rush Street Consulting takes a holistic view of a company’s past and a panoramic view of its future. We search for efficiencies, potential gaps in the current state of the company, niche markets and strategic opportunities. We move methodically toward a realistic, implementable strategic plan that moves your company forward. We are collaborative with an outsider’s point of view.

Stage 1

Stage 1

Your business now

We listen and learn about your business. We build a good foundation of understanding, inquiring about the processes you’ve implemented to reach your current state, and the steps you have considered, to move your business forward. Then we begin to clarify what the ‘next level’ means to you now.

There are no ‘right answers’ here; it is merely determining what has occurred in the past and seeking to identify a desired future. It opens perspectives on where opportunities may lay to modify current structures, more efficiently run a company, and achieve desired results.We build a strong rapport with management throughout the process.

Stage 2

Stage 2

Seeing Ahead Clearly:
A Question of Leadership

It’s here that we will challenge the status quo and your current thinking. We work with founders, owners and managers to get to the core of what they want the company to be, how it should grow, and the steps to get there. This requires a hard look at the steps you’ve taken so far; a deeper look to identify the “real” issues that are facing your company allowing a realistic assessment of your growth potential.

We look for misalignments within the leadership and among your employees. We assist in identifying who is the “right” person or team to lead during times of charge. Your organization may have well established roles among its managers; roles that have served the company well for many years. Still, you may have reached a point where fresh insight and new direction is beneficial. We help to identify your leadership’s strengths and help to align those strengths with the outcomes desired by the organization as a whole.

Stage 3

Stage 3

Finding Opportunities

Our unbiased perspective and open communication with management enables us to help identify new opportunities. We seek insights on how growth might be achieved through strategic alliances, legal reclassifications, process efficiencies, better communications, and overall direction. Throughout this stage, we identify places to look deeper, to assist in formulating the best path forward for your company.

Finding opportunities requires taking a hard look at a company’s entire system of execution and delivery. What areas have been neglected or considered less important? Asking such questions helps to identify the gaps –opportunities that a company may have overlooked or not known were available. When a potential opportunity appears, it is carefully reviewed with your leadership team to ascertain its value and alignment with current and future initiatives. Working through this process, we refine the way that a company moves to its next level of success

Stage 4

Stage 4

Strategy Formulation:
Achieving a Strategic Road Map

At this point, we work closely with leadership to identify the changes that may need to happen to achieve the identified desired future. With a foundation of understanding, good communication with leadership, and a solid base of data, we will be well prepared to formulate a strategy to assist in taking a company to the next level of its success.

It’s here that we challenge your thinking and present our view of a new way forward. Essentially, we provide a menu of options, derived from our impartial perspective. It’s our multi-disciplinary approach that uncovers multiple potential paths forward. At all times during this step, we work with you to ensure that strategy is aligning with core values, with the basic principles that have resulted in your success so far.

Stage 5

Stage 5


As with any process or plan, it’s only good if it moves the needle on the business. It must be implementable. Our strategic road map will address your company’s internal ordering and identify external assistance that may be needed, such as tax, legal or other professional services. It will serve as a clear agenda.

We know that successful transitions in a business ultimately rely on the well-informed judgement of its people. In this regard we like Jim Collins’ metaphor, as related in his book Good to Great. He says that a business needs to get the right people on the bus and get them to the right seats. Just because a company has the right people on the bus, if they’re in the wrong seat, they may as well not be there!

This part of our work is usually the longest stage, sometimes requiring several months or longer to achieve the full realization of a strategic plan. We remain committed to being at your side throughout implementation, assisting when necessary.

What’s Your Succession Plan?

Whether you are in the end stages of your tenure, starting a new company, or somewhere in the middle, the end game must always be thought of. The organization that will plan for succession at every level within will be the one that surpasses their competition and will have the staying power for years to come. The first step, as they say, is identifying there is an issue and then addressing it.

Learn how we can help your business.

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